Originally known as Albion House, RE Capital planned a comprehensive redevelopment and extension to Cat A finish creating a distinctive contemporary office space. Graphicks took part in a competitive pitch to develop a unique identity and marketing campaign with the aim of attracting companies in the creative and professional sectors. Ideally the campaign was to focus on securing a pre-let.
We explored the history of the location obtaining records dated back to 1750 and identified the current building sat on a plot originally known as Goat Yard. This became the anchor for the naming.
Creative Design
Goat drawings were created to personify examples of target tenants such as Claire the HR Director, Michael the Accountant and Raheem the Architect under the theme A different breed of office. A colour pallet of green and orange reflected the contemporary and modern facilities.
See the site here.
Goat Yard has received extensive interest among occupiers seeking quality accommodation in an upcoming part of Southwark with cybersecurity firm WithSecure taking a pre-let covering 3 of the 5 floors.
‘We were delighted by the way Graphicks approached the brief and the resulting name and branding was perfect to create widespread interest in the property. A successful pre-leasing campaign leased three of the five upper floors pre completion with further under offer.’
Chris Wright
Asset Manager - RE Capital